Thursday, 25 September 2014

Hard Disk Format(Fdisk)

Hard Disk Format(Fdisk)::
                                   Hard disk is a storage device by which we can easily store any data of the computer but any how computer run slowly. So we need a format. To format the hard disk  we must use FDISK command of dos arefollowing……….

1.     Firstly we enter into BIOS  as a first boot device, we choose CD ROM and save  by press F10.
2.     Then a bootable cd  enter the cd Tray and restart the computer.
3.     Next choose the menu and press the start computer with cd rom support and display dos prompt.
4.     Then type FDISK and enter it. In this time display a massege “DO YOU WISH TO ENABLE LARGE DISK SUPPORT”( Y / N).
5.     Next press the enter and display FDISK programme menu like
A.    Create dos partition
B.     Set active partition
C.     Delete dos partition
D.    Display partition information
6.     after make a dos partition choose number YES and press the enter and  display the massege………
a)     Create  a primary partition
b)    Create a extended partition
c)     Create a logical partition
7.     Then primary dos partition choice no 1 and press the enter and type the size of partition then the primary dos partition ready bye press enter.
8.     To active the partition press ESC and back to the main menu of FDISK and set active partition and press the enter there fore the partition will be active.
9.     Then make a extended dos partition, select CREATE DOS PARTITION and type the size and press enter.
10.                        To breake the extended partition into logical  drive, so the main menu of FDISK ,choose create dos partition and type the size.
11.                        To see the primary dos partition and extended partition or logical drive details information, type the choice no 4 of main menu of  FDISK.
12.                        Finally press the ESC and in the command prompt, type EXIT command and then finish the FDISK format.


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