Thursday, 25 September 2014

Anti virus is a computer programe which is can identify

                         Anti virus is a computer programe which is can  identify the virus and it can take necessary stape for  virus to save the computer, pen drive and other device. The example of anti virus are given bellow………
·        Macfee anti virus
·        Kaspersky anti virus
·        Avg anti virus
·        Avast anti virus
·        Zone alarm anti virus
·        Semantic anti virus
·        Panda anti virus not 32 anti virus
·        Eset anti virus
·        Bit defender anti virus
Generally anti virus destroy any hurmfull virus. There are three classification of anti virus which are use to destroy the virus. The three stape are given bellow……………

             Anti virus can destroy a branch of virus or infected the file or folder at a time and same time all virus are deleted by the anti virus. In this case we never can rerstore that file or folder or other data which are deleted by the anti virus.

                Infected all file, folder or any data, identify the anti virus and  deleted the virus and in this case, after deleting the virus, anti virus reagain restore all data or file to work. In that time destroy the virus and we can use the infected data.

                   Some time, anti virus can not identify the virus which are that case anti virus can not destroy these virus or anti virus understand that the file or folder are infected by the virus but which type of virus can not identify. For that time anti virus collect that folder or file or data and store in the quanantine and that infected file,folder or data we never can use or work in computer and they can not connect with the other data of computer.

  Technique of virus prevention::
                                             To save the computer,we must follow the stape which are given bellow……………….
A.    Firstly install a original anti virus software and examine the computer.
B.     Every day update the data base of anti virus.
C.     Before using the disk(cd/dvd, floppy drive, pendrive, microchip etc),examine that device by anti virus.
D.    Recent downloaded software or .excicutable file,first examine by anti virus then use it.
E.     Any data , when we downloaded,if any  Y/ N pop up menu we can see, in that time click always “N”.
F.     If any special offer we get by the email, before using, deleted the mail.

G.    Examine all the computer which are connected with the LAN.

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